Our Story
Providing supportive services for families with critically ill or medically-complex children
Our History
Normal Moments’ founder, Tricia Fragen’s daughter, Melissa, was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a bone cancer, a few days before the beginning of her sophomore year of high school. We battled valiantly through chemotherapy, septic shock, many surgeries, radiation, and the side effects of it all.
Without her dear friend, David, who stepped in to care for the dogs, plants, and house during extended hospital stays both locally and out-of-town, she says she “never would have survived.” David wasn’t the only person to step up to assist. “Sometimes, when we had to be at the hospital on a cold winter morning, I discovered that my neighbor had gotten up early and shoveled my drive way. On those special days, I had some extra time to share with my daughter and one less cause for exhaustion.”
When Melissa stopped eating everything but sushi, friends and family created the “Sushi Fund” at her favorite restaurant so that I didn’t go broke feeding her. And when no one else really understood what it is like to sit by your child’s side while her body struggles to survive, Sheryl was there to reminisce about her similar experience and I knew I was not alone.”
Founder Patricia Fragen and David Orlicz at a Normal Moments fundraiser.
Our Mission
This video shows Normal Moments Founder, Tricia Fragen, with one of the recipients of their services.
Our mission is unique. While so many child-focused groups focus on giving special gifts – simple or extravagant – the gift we offer is as everyday, mundane and normal as can be–time with their parents.
Our Values
Everyone deserves this kind of support when they have a child who is extremely ill. Before Melissa died, Patricia promised her daughter that she would help make sure everyone has the opportunity to get the kind of support she received.
Normal Moments supports parents who are supporting their medically-complex children. Please help us help them.
Melissa Fragen
Melissa planned to become a pediatric oncologist from the age of 8 and was diagnosed with cancer at 15. She died before her 17th birthday after helping found Normal Moments “because everyone deserves a David”. Melissa devoted herself to giving throughout her life, touched all who knew her, and is the impetus for the organization. As her friend, Laura, wrote, “Melissa is one of those people you usually just get to read about in books. I was honored to know her.”